ReLAY works closely with L.A. City and County leaders to rethink the region’s approach to opportunity youth development and care. Based on these partnerships and conversations, ReLAY is researching and developing strategies specific to regional needs.

ReLAY conducts research and evaluation projects to address system-level barriers, evaluate and promote cutting edge strategies, and contribute new knowledge about best practices that will improve outcome-driven solutions for opportunity youth.

ReLAY can also provide custom designed projects upon request. Please reach out on our contact page for more information.



ReLAY Projects

North County Project, Forthcoming

ReLAY will design and conduct a study focused on North LA County (SPA1: Antelope Valley) to identify gaps in service delivery and issues leading to a greater level of youth disconnection in the region. The study will provide policy and programmatic recommendations working in coordination with the County and local school system.

Youth Centers Comparative Analysis, Forthcoming

ReLAY will design and run a comparison study of two LA City YouthSource Centers and two LA County youth centers (AJCC-America’s Job Center of California) to identify best practices and areas for improvement in youth engagement and support services.

The Los Angeles Performance Partnership Pilot (LAP3) Strategic Plan

ReLAY is taking an active role in the development of the new Los Angeles Performance Partnership Pilot (LAP3) Strategic Plan. The overall goal of the new strategic plan is to build upon the broad framework of service delivery system improvements provided by the previous strategic plan (2017-2020) as well as to address the internal structure and operations of LAP3 as well as the external environment and relationships among our public agencies and community agencies impacting opportunity youth.

DMH-YSC (WLCAC) Partnership

The Department of Mental Health has partnered with the Watts YouthSource Center, the Watts Labor Community Action Center, to run a pilot project with the goal of improving the process of youth assessment and referrals for mental health services through on-site meetings with youth, increased follow up with clients, and warm handoff referrals to other mental health services.

ReLAY serves as a support and resource for the development, implementation, and evaluation of the pilot project through the design of specific evaluation and benchmarking strategies.